Wednesday, February 01, 2006

One more reason not to play World of Warcraft.

According to the Straits Times today, it seems like the English speaking World of Warcraft (WoW) players are hating the players which hail from china.


Because the people from China spoils the game, as they farm the gold, then sell if for real cash on sites such as ebay.

And because the people from China do that, they are hence defined as "people who destroy the game, for they sell the gold to people who will hence use the "gold" brought, via real cash, to buy weapons and armor, and hence, will put players who spend 21 hours a day farming and/or grinding at a disadvantage."



Even though a game should be taken seriously, this is simply ridiculous. First of all, the "farmers" from china exist because there are people out there who actually buy the "gold" for cash (US$100 for...10k? Not too sure. I'm not a WoW player). They won't be around if there arn't people around to buy the gold. Sure, they inflate prices and such, but hey, this is part of the game. Unless Blizzard actually does something, you can't actually complain. They want the gold, and they have the cash. The China people are simply smart enough to see that, and hence, are very willingly to spend time in a Lan cafe, happily mining for hours while having packets after packets of smoke.

In fact, to pinpoint China players as the source of the problem is rather stupid. Sure, a large number of them are from China, but do all of them hail from China? Doubt it. Just look at Virgoods (add a .com), and you know what I mean. 1000k Guild Wars gold for $100. And people actually buy them, which is why they are still around. Does that look like a China run site to you? I seriously don't think so.

However, what surprises me is the immaturity of people in the WoW game. The ability to type a full sentence via IM before you can join their team/guild? Wow. Although most of the players are english speaking, not all are. There are people who have English as a 2nd or 3rd language, and hence, cannot type a full sentence. So, are you going to go "CHINA. THOU ART FRM CHINA!"? No way. In Guild Wars, Koreans are among the best players every one knows. Just look at the Guild ladder. 2 in 5 are from Korea. We just accept them, use the in-game functions, and play Tombs, even though they speak limited English, and probably cannot form a full sentence, except for basic ones.

In fact, money for gold has been around for a long long time. Guild Wars bans it, but it still happens, underground, of course. However, games like Conquer Online, hell, even Gun Bound, allows you to obtain good items as long as you have the cash.

In the end, it's the players of WoW who's going to suffer. The China people arn't going to care about people who don't want them. They will just keep on farming. As long as there are customers, there will be farmers. The solution is not to ignore the people from China, but to simply get rid of the buyers. Some how. Arenanet, creator of Guild Wars, are branded "Nerfnet" when they nerf things that get way too easy to obtain, i.e. make the drops more rare, or to offer other ways to reduce the price. There were Runes (Power ups) which cost over 100k (Superior Vigor, for those who care), but thanks to Nerfnet, they cost merely...hmm...30k? Hell, for PvP players, you can simply unlock it using Faction (Obtained via PvPing) or during PvE unlocks. No need to head to Ebay, for out $100, just for an in-game item.

Hence, if the players want this farming to stop, they got to petition to Blizzard to stop it. However, it will be hard, as WoW is a grind game. Other then the need to defeat the strongest monster, wear the coolest items, level up, there isn't any real need to actually play the game. Oh, there's always the PvP part of WoW, Alliance verus the Horde. We all know that the Horde*shugs*.

Hell, if you want PvP, go play Guild Wars. WoW is a freaking Grind game, for god's sake. Don't want farmers? Don't play Grind games.

Time to complete House of the Dead 4.

With 1 credit too. Hehe.


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